three photos of smiling doula Chelsea

let’s talk about your birth wishes

Contact Chelsea for Boulder Birth Doula Services

Whether you’re curious, ready to dive in, or have questions, I’d love to hear from you.

I’m proud to collaborate with local & small businesses to bring you holistic support.

Faith Davis, licensed massage therapist, Mountain Mama Massage

Dr. Elif Kuzu, Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine, Bolder Body Balance Acupuncture

Dr. Erin Pass, acupuncturist, Acupuncture Clinic of Boulder

Amanda Ogden, RN and IBCLC, the mama ‘hood

Dr. Jordan Lenkin, pelvic floor physical therapist, APTO

Drs. Lynn Schulte & Maryjean Starr, pelvic floor physical therapist, Center for Birth Healing

Dr. Dr. Nichelle Gurule, chiropractor, Live Loud Chiropractic

Decaf & Low Caff subscription craft coffee, Jitterliss